Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Twitching eyeball

My eyelid twitched my entire second year of graduate school.  It was a very crazy year of papers, internships, classes, pages upon pages of reading.  I tried everything to make the twitching stop.  I had a somewhat regular yoga practice despite my very busy schedule.  I was very careful about the food I ate back then.  I tried to get good sleep and I meditated regularly.  And yet?  Twitch twitch twitch.  I researched why the twitch happened and read some things about blinking too much and of course, stress.  Nothing really helped, it just eventually went away.  Not before I decided to put lavender oil around my eye because it is a soothing oil, right?  Yeah, so that hurt.

Lately the twitch has been back.  Before even opening my eyes in the morning, I feel it.  Twitch twitch twitch.  In the middle of meetings at work.  Twitch twitch twitch.  Hanging out at home at night.  Twitch twitch twitch. Everything, everything.  One more time!  Twitch twitch twitch. (I made a song!) It is maddening and I'd like to rip my eye out.  

A lovely picture from my graduate school days (2007).
"My eye ain't twitching' no more!"

So I don't have the most balanced life right now. I work too much.  I struggle to do meaningful things when not working, often opting for lounging on the couch with my laptop.  I often forget or don't care about eating the foods that make me feel good and just eat whatever is around. My yoga practice?  Could be better.  Meditation?  Same.  I'm just busy.  I have dogs, we're trying to buy a house, seems like laundry always needs to be done.  And those dust bunnies that pile up?  Don't even get me started.  Gah.  

A friend of mine recommended I google about pressure points related to eyelid twitching so I did.  I found this article and finally found some relief!  By using this pressure point, I made the twitching stop!  I also realized that the eye twitching is related to my jaw clenching at night (the pressure point is in the jaw).  For a long time I didn't realize I clenched and grinded my teeth at night.  Then Q told me years ago that I chatter my jaws like a typewriter.  The dentist gets after me about it.  So now I'm getting a stupid night guard to help with it.  But anyway, self care around bed time will likely help.  Knowing that my nighttime chattering is affecting the twitch makes sense- that's why I'd often feel the twitch before even opening my eyes in the morning.  

The good news is that I've gone days without much twitching at all!  What a wonderful relief!  Thank you, thank you, thank you oh interwebs for providing some relief! 

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